II International conference
"Chess in Education"
21-22 August 2024, Astana/Kazakhstan
Participation is free

About the event

Kazakhstan Chess Federation will host the II International conference titled “Chess in Education” in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Main Goals of the Conference

To popularize chess within the educational system in Kazakhstan, explore the potential of digital technologies in chess education, and promote the development of 21st century skills through chess.

  • Foster international collaboration on chess education.
  • Share best practices in chess education.
  • Develop strategies for integrating chess into the school curriculum.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in chess education.
  • Advocate for increased support for chess in schools.
  • Leontxo has been working as a chess lecturer, journalist, writer, presenter and commentator since 1983.
    Expert on chess as an educational tool, he has trained more than 30, 000 teachers in 31 countries. His book Ajedrez y Ciencia, pasiones mezcladas (2013) is on its seventh edition.
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  • Jerry Nash (USA)
    Chairman of the Chess in Education Commission for the International Chess Federation (FIDE EDU)
    Jerry Nash believes in the power of chess to enable student success – both in and beyond the classroom. His focus is to provide teachers with the tool (in chess) they did not know was available.
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  • Marta Amigó Vilalta
    Coordinator of the Catalan chess in schools project "Escacs a l'escola" since its inception in 2012.
    Arbiter and chess instructor. Second Vice-President of the Catalan Chess Federation, an institution in which she has been responsible for different departments since 2003, when she became a member of its Board of Directors.
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  • Rita Atkins
    Secretary of the FIDE Chess in Education Commission
    Co-creator of LogiqBoard, an interactive online teaching tool for educational chess and strategy games
    As Secretary of the FIDE Chess in Education Commission my mission is to promote educational chess worldwide. While the benefits of using chess for academic and social skill development are widely recognized, there’s still a need for guidance.
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  • Vagan Sargsyan
    From 2010 to present, international member of the American Psychological Association (APA).(Co)Author of 6 scientific and methodological manuals and 50 research articles
    Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology /Social Psychology, Psychology of Emergency Situations/.2001-2005     Postgraduate student, Department of Applied Psychology, ASPU
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  • Ozgur Solakoglu
    FIDE Events Commission Honorary Chair/
    FIDE Chief Events Inspection Officer
    As a member of JCI International – Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs (JCI) Association, he has served as Director, Branch Vice President, Branch President, Senate President, Mentor and continues to contribute as a Senator. He has also received special trainer training and had become a JCI Certified Trainer.
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About Us

The Kazakhstan Chess Federation and its “Chess in Education” program are committed to integrating chess into the national educational system. Our core initiatives include:
  • Curriculum Development: Incorporating chess as a formal subject within the school curriculum.
  • School Outreach: Establishing chess programs in 1,400 primary schools nationwide.
  • Teacher Training: Equipping educators with the necessary skills to teach chess effectively.
  • Educational Resource Creation: Developing comprehensive teaching materials for chess instruction.
  • Policy Advocacy: Working to amend legislation in support of chess education.
Venue address
Kabanbay batyr ave. 53, Nazarbayev University, Block 32, Glass Pavillion (Pyramid)

We are ready to answer any of your questions by phone or e-mail:

+7 777 522 89 97